At present time education has become a very important part of today’s human life. To acquire knowledge, education is must required. We start learning when we born and we keep learning until our death. Learning which has enhanced our knowledge. From born to until death we pass lots of stages of learning. Our first teach comes from our mother and then from the nature that surrounded us. When we are at the age of five or six, we started to go to school. After passing the S.S.C level we decide our ambition and we target a goal of our life. Some people want to be doctor, some want to be engineer, some want to business magnet, some people want to be journalist, again some want to be fashion designer and so on. When we pass the H.S.C level, the vital time of our education starts.
After passing the H.S.C level every student gets busy to take preparation for their new life. That is University life. It is the most important time of a student’s life and obviously the most challenging time too. When students pass the H.S.C level they fixed their goal and try hard and soul to get admitted in the Public Universities. But the fact is the limitation to the seat of the public Universities. Because of Bangladesh is an over populated country. Every year huge number of population increases. In that case the ratio of the increasing population of Bangladesh and increasing seats of Public University is obviously disproportional. As a result lots of the students fail to get admitted in the Public Universities, though they have good result or better skills. For that reason students get admitted to the Private Universities to full-fill their ambition or goal.
Private University's List:
This list has done according to alphabetical serial: (1)Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) (Dhaka), (2)American International University - Bangladesh (AIUB) (Dhaka), (3)Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB) (Dhaka), (4)Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) (Dhaka), (5)BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT) (Dhaka), (6)BRAC University (BRACU) Info (Dhaka), (7)Chittagong Independent University (Chittagong), (8)Daffodil International University (Dhaka), (9)Dhaka International University (Dhaka), (10)East West University (Dhaka), (11)Independent University, Bangladesh (Dhaka), (12)International Islamic University Chittagong (Chittagong), (13)International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (Dhaka), (14)Metropolitan University, (15)North South University (Dhaka), (16)Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology (Dhaka), (17)Southeast University (Dhaka), (18)Stamford University Bangladesh (Dhaka), (19)Sylhet International University, (20)The University of Asia Pacific (Dhaka), (21)United International University. (Dhaka), (22)University of Information Technology and Sciences (Dhaka), (23)University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh. (Dhaka), (24) University of Science and Technology Chittagong (Chittagong), (25)University of South Asia (Dhaka).
About Private Universities
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All of these reasons, Bangladesh Private University Information (part of the Life Solution) is here to give you a proper and appropriate guidelines and to give you the best solution about your problems that related to your life. In our site you will get all the answers of these kinds of questions. In our site we will discuss about the total curriculum activities, the placement of the Private Universities cost of the University like the admission cost or the semester cost and also about the total cost of the Department of all the Private Universities. We will try to give you proper and appropriate guide lines about all the facts of Private Universities.
In the site “Life Solution” we will provide you all kind of important information, important guide lines about all the Private Universities. Now we will discuss what kind of problems students face to choose their desire Private Universities or about what kind of information is important to know to choose Private Universities. First and most important fact is UGC approval. At present time it is very important fact about Private Universities.
Let us know about some point
About UGC:
First let us know about UGC. UGC means “University Grand Commission”. It is an organization by which universities get approved. The University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh is vital body or government organization in the field of higher education in Bangladesh. The main objectives of the UGC are to overlook, sustain, develop and coordinate University education. UGC (University Grand Commission) is also plays an important role in maintaining standard and quality both in the public and private universities in Bangladesh. The UGC computes the needs of the public universities in terms of funding and advice Government in various issues related to higher education in Bangladesh. The University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh was established under the President’s Order (P.O.) No. 10 of 1973.
So you can see that, it is very important to achieve the approval of the UGC. If any Private University doesn’t have the approval of the UGC that’s mean it is not qualified or non-registered Private University. In that case, if any student gets admitted in UGC Non-approval University it will great problem for their future. Because of the certificate of a Non-approval University will be decertified. As a result, this kind of certificate will be decertified to any organization and you will disqualify for any kind of job. And it will be a great destroyer to your goal or to your life. So it is very important to know if the University has the UGC approval or not. We will discuss about this fact in our site “Life Solution”. We believe that will be a great solution and a good guidelines to you and also a great help to you.
About University Placement:
Another problem about Private Universities is their placement. That mean where is you desire Private University is situated. There are lots of Private Universities all over Bangladesh. Like as Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, American International University of Bangladesh, Asian University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT), BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology, International University of Business Agricultural and Technology (IUBAT), Daffodil International University, Dhaka International University, East West University, Independent University of Bangladesh, BRAC University, etc. are situated in Dhaka. Chittagong Independent university, International Islamic University Chittagong, University of Science and Technology Chittagong, etc. are situated in Chittagong. There are some universities in Sylhet like Leading University- Sylhet. Some universities are in Rajshahi.
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Private Universities Cost:
Another problem about Private University's cost. It is another problem to the people of Bangladesh. Most of the people of Bangladesh have no exact idea about the cost of Private Universities. It is the main problem for the middle class family. Most of the families think that all standard universities are so costly. But that’s not true at the present time. May be some of the universities so costly to the people, but there are lots of standard and prestigious universities who maintain reasonable cost in Bangladesh. We will discuss about all the information of the Private Universities in our site.
Facilities of Private University:
Another fact about the Private Universities is their facilities. It is one of the most vital problems. Most of the people of Bangladesh have no idea about the extra facilities of the Private Universities. It is very important to know about the facilities of a university. Because of if anyone has no idea about the facilities of a university then how could he or she will understand which university will be helpful to him or her to own their goal. It is very important to know before to get admitted into a university that if the university has enough teachers or not, if the university has lab with a good number of equipment or not, if the university has a library with enough books or not. We will try to give you all kinds of information about the facilities of the universities of Bangladesh in our site Bangladesh Private University Information.
Now we will discuss about the facilities of the study in Private Universities or the importance of the Private Universities. Lots of the people of our country think that to study in Private University is valueless or worthless. Or the certificate of the Private Universities is worthless. But at present time this kind of thinking has become valueless. Because of, at present time Private Universities plays a very important role in the case of education. They provide good services to the students and provide them a good number of facilities to make them well educated like as Public Universities of Bangladesh.
At the present time to study in Private Universities have lots of facilities. They give the students a good number of services. Maximum of the Private Universities has lots of well educated teachers. Some of them are Ph.D holder. Maximum of the teachers of Private Universities have completed their Master degree from the prestigious universities of various countries. And those teachers who are Bachelor degree holder, have also completed their Bachelor degree from the exalted universities of Bangladesh or abroad. The Private Universities have also some per-time teachers who teach in Public Universities like as Dhaka University, BUET, Jahangirnagar University etc. It is a very good activity of the Private Universities.
At the present time to study in Private Universities have lots of facilities. They give the students a good number of services. Maximum of the Private Universities has lots of well educated teachers. Some of them are Ph.D holder. Maximum of the teachers of Private Universities have completed their Master degree from the prestigious universities of various countries. And those teachers who are Bachelor degree holder, have also completed their Bachelor degree from the exalted universities of Bangladesh or abroad. The Private Universities have also some per-time teachers who teach in Public Universities like as Dhaka University, BUET, Jahangirnagar University etc. It is a very good activity of the Private Universities.
Another facility of Private Universities is their educational system. All the prestigious Private Universities play an important role in the educational system. Most of the Private Universities follow the international syllabus of higher education. In case of engineering Universities there are lots of universities who have the approval of The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB). Another fact about Private Universities is UGC. We already have discussed about the UGC and the importance of UGC approval. At present time maximum numbers of the Private Universities have the approval of the UGC which is very important to the Private Universities.
Lab Facilities:
Other important facts about the Private Universities are about the lab facilities, library facilities, canteen, extra curriculum activities etc. At the present time all the reputed Private Universities have their own library, from where all the students will get various kinds of books that related to their subject or department. It will be very helpful to the students to study well. From the library students can borrow the books and can take the book with them. Or students can study in a library which is a very comfort zone for study. This kind of facilities is very important to the students to study.
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All the Private Universities have their own Lab. The Lab is a very important fact to the students, basically for those students who study in engineering subject. The lab contains a good number of equipments. Another facility of Private Universities is their canteen. All the Private Universities have their own canteen like as the Public Universities. Some Private Universities have their own transportation facilities like the Public Universities. The most important facility of the Private Universities is the time duration. In case of Public Universities sometimes students faces some problem about the time duration. Sometimes it takes too much time to finish the course. But in the Private Universities this kind of harassment is absent.
That was all about the Private Universities. The Life solution is a site where you can find the solutions of your problems that related to your life. People of Bangladesh have lots of problems in their life. People face problems every step of their life. But the Life solution has selected three vital problems of the present time that the people of Bangladesh face in different stage of their life. Those three problems are 1) Traveling, 2) Private University Admission and 3) English. We already have discussed about traveling problem and their solution in our site. Today we have discussed about Public University's problem & solution under Bangladesh Private University Information. We have tried to give you proper guide line and a good solution about the Private University Admission Problem.
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