Education has become a very important fact to the people of Bangladesh. Now they have become so concern about education. Bangladesh is a developing country. The population of this country is so high then its area. Every year lots of students pass the H.S.C exam and want to get admitted in the public universities. But most of them fail for the limitation of the seat in the public universities. The ratio of increasing of the population and the seats of the public universities is disproportional. Even the amount of the public University is not so sufficient in Bangladesh. As a result students those who fail to get admitted in the public University choose the private university to full fill their goal.
At present time private universities play an important role in education of Bangladesh. Now private universities have become so important to the people of Bangladesh. All the students of Bangladesh may have dream to study in public universities but for some reasons they fail to get admitted there. Though they have good skills and also with good result. As a result students get admitted to the private universities. But the fact that bothers the people of Bangladesh is the limited knowledge about the private University. Most of the people have a little knowledge about the private universities and maximum of the people those who knew about them is not enough to them. The reason of this is the limited information about the private universities. That’s why “Life solution” is here to give you proper and appropriate guide lines about the private universities. In our previous post we have discuss about Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) and American International University of Bangladesh (AIUB). Today we will discuss about Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB).
Background of AUB
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The target to establish this university was taken at the time of 1990 when the idea was first mooted out by a life-long educationist Professor Abulhasan M. Sadeq. He is the founder of Asian University of Bangladesh. This private university was established to import high quality education as widely as possible from an inter-correctional, mobilized ethic-human protection reflecting our values, tradition and morality.
Why You Should Study in AUB?
Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB) is one of the most important and one of the leading private universities in Bangladesh. It is one of the oldest private universities of Bangladesh. Asian University of Bangladesh is very well-reputed private university. If you study here it will be a great opportunity for you to achieve your goal of your life. The remarkable reasons to study here are:
Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB) will give you dual mode of education. 1st it is distance Education and 2nd it is On-campus Education, which is a unique theory of education in Bangladesh. Dual mode of education is giving mostly in developed countries all over the world. The academic curriculum or education system of Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB) has been exhibited with the help of experts from reputed universities of Bangladesh. Asian University has an International Advisory Board. This board is consists with the members from American, Canadian and Australian universities. They give advises for the academic standard of AUB. This is very important to provide quality education to the students.
In academic programs, Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB) has received an inter-disciplinary and approaches so that the graduates of AUB are professionally sound and morally honorable and equipped with multidimensional insights to face the challenges of real life in the complex world of modem times. AUB can reach every corner of Bangladesh by its Distance mode of education. Thus high quality education is accessible even to remote areas of Bangladesh including the rural poor. Through the distance education system, Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB) can go beyond the boundary of Bangladesh with its high quality education.
Objectives Of Asian University of Bangladesh:
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Asian University of Bangladesh is an important private university. This private university has some of their own objectives. The objectives of AUB are: (a) This private university will provide high quality education for human resource development. As a result the students will enable to compete in the modern world. (b) Asian University of Bangladesh will proclaim knowledge in a unique access. That will integrate our national heritage, values and principles with a view to produce graduates who are professionally sound and morally upright. (c) This private university will make education accessible to the people of Bangladesh. (d) This private university will provide a conductive academic environment for the students of the youth. Asian University of Bangladesh is an environment free private university from political and other disturbances. (e) This university will contribute to moral development of the people. They will create a society of tolerance to co-exist in Pease and harmony in a healthy atmosphere.
Academic Plan
Semester System of AUB:
The semester system of Asian University of Bangladesh has been accepted instead of the yearly system. In the Asian University of Bangladesh there are three semesters in an academic year. The time duration of each semester is four months. In every semester students will get instruction, examination, grading, results and a break.
Credit Hour System and Evaluation System:
Credit Hour System and Evaluation System:
The credit hour system has been accepted in the academic programs of Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB). Each and every student has to complete a certain number of credits to complete an academic program. According to the University, one credit hour means that one lecture hour of study per week for a semester. Usually there are 3 credit hours for maximum number of the programs. The education system of this private university is very unique. They have a good solution to the students and their future life. The evaluation is based on: (1) A final examination, (2) A mid-term test, (3) Quizzes, (4) Assignments and/or term papers/reports. Sometimes the exact distribution of marks may vary depending on the variation of the course.
Letter Grading:
The resulting system of this private university is based on Letter and Grade point. Marks obtained 80-100 out of 100 will be considered as A+ in Letter Grade and 4.00 out of 4.00 as Grade point. The marks 75-79 will be considered as A in Letter Grade and 3.75 out of 4.00 as Grade point. The marks 70-75 will be considered as A- in Letter Grade and 3.50 out of 4.00 as Grade point. The marks 65-69 will be considered as B+ in Letter Grade and 3.25 out of 4.00 as Grade point. The marks 60-64 will be considered as B in Letter Grade and 3.00 out of 4.00 as Grade point. The marks 55-59 will be considered as B- in Letter Grade and 2.75 out of 4.00 as Grade point. The marks 50-54 will be considered as C+ in Letter Grade and 2.50 out of 4.00 as Grade point. The marks 45-49 will be considered as C in Letter Grade and 2.25 out of 4.00 as Grade point. The marks 40-44 will be considered as D in Letter Grade and 2.00 out of 4.00 as Grade point. And below the 40 will considered as F grade or fail.
Admission and Registration Information
Admission Information:
To study in Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB) students should follow some steps for admission and registration. The steps of admission and registration are following: First, students have to collect the Application form, Catalog and/or other papers from the AUB office. For this students have to pay the required fees. After that students have to fill in the application form. Students have to remind that incomplete forms will not be considered so that they have to complete their forms properly and appropriately. After that students have to sit for the admission tests, whenever and wherever relevant. Those who will successfully pass by the admission test will be required to complete the registration formalities for admission in Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB). In that case they have to pay necessary fees to the designated AUB bank account upon advice by the AUB accounts department.
Semester Registration, Admission & Programes Information:
It is the responsibility of all the students, who want to get admitted to the Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB) to complete registration in due time. If you want to get admitted each semester, you have to pay all the fees of the relevant semester. Otherwise, you have to pay late fees along with the regular fees. Non-payment of fees will lead to termination of student’s status as a student at AUB. Students should consult the accounts department for their fees. A student who discontinues active enrollment without being granted leave of absence or does not return to active study after expiry of any granted leave of absence will lose his/her status as a regular student and will have to apply for re-admission. All correspondence relating to admission and re-admission should be made to the Director of Admission and Records of AUB at his office in the Uttara Campus.
Programs of AUB
At present time AUB provides 12 undergraduate programs in ten departments. These all programs are under five schools. The undergraduate programs offered by AUB are: (1) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), (2) B.Sc.(Engg.) in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), (3) B.Sc.(Hons.) in Computer Science, (4) B.S.S.(Hons.) in Economics, (5) B.A.(Hons.) in English, (6) B.A.(Hons.) in Bengali, (7) B.S.S.(Hons.) in Government and Politics, (8) B.S.S.(Hons.) in Sociology and Anthropology, (9) B.S.S.(Hons.) in Social Work, (10) B.A.(Hons.) in Islamic Studies, (11) B.A.(Hons.) in Islamic History and Civilization, (12) Bachelor of Education (B.Ed).
At present time Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB) offers 11 postgraduate programs in ten departments. These all programs are under four schools. The postgraduate programs offered by AUB are: (1) Master of Business Administration (MBA), (2) M.S.S. in Economics, (3) M.S.S. in Government and Politics, (4) M.A. in English, (5) M.A. in Bengali (6) M.S.S. in Sociology and Anthropology, (7) M.S.S. in Social Work, (8) M.S.S. in Information Science and Library Management, (9) M. A. in Islamic Studies, (10) M. A. in Islamic History and Civilization, (11) Master of Education (M.Ed).
That was all about Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB). Asian University of Bangladesh is one of the important private universities of Bangladesh. This private university is one of the leading private universities of Bangladesh. We have tried to give you total and appropriate guide lines and proper information about this private university. By study in this private university you can get proper and appropriate guide line about the goal of your life. If you want to study in this private university and want to know about Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB) our site “Bangladesh life solution” will be a great solution for you.
“Life solution” is a site where you can find all the solution of your problem. In “life solution” we will provide you a good guide line and an easy solution of your problems. People of Bangladesh face lots of problems every day. We choose three main and important problems of your life. Those are 1) Traveling problem 2) Private University problem and most important problem is 3) English problem. We already have discussed about the Traveling problems and their solutions. We also discussed about the problems that related to the Private University. In future we will discuss about easy way to learn English or How to improve in English. We believe that our post will be helpful to solve your problems. Today we have discussed about the Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB). In our next post we will discuss and try to give you information about “Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)”.
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