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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

About Subject And Predicate

English is an international language. English is used all over the world for communication. In Bangladesh English is used as a second language. But the people of our country cannot use this language properly. By our post we try to solve this problem. In our last English post we discussed about the simple, complex and compound sentence. To move that post please, click here. Today we will discuss about the parts of a sentence.


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Everything from a building to a brick has parts. And a sentence is no exception. Any complete sentence has two main parts, called the subject and the predicate. What is the subject: The Subject is usually comes before the predicate. The subject which is used in a sentence is simply what or whom the sentence is about. For example, consider some sentences like as: Sumon collects Birds. This sentence is about a person with an unusual hobby—Sumon. Sumon is therefore the subject of the sentence. Here is another example is: Rahim’s wife constrictor seems restless this morning.

What we know about this sentence? It's about Rahim’s wife constrictor. The wife constrictor is therefore the subject of the sentence. Sometimes some sentences that give commands might look as if they don’t contain any subject. This rule can be cleared by an example like as: Sit down, please. In this example, there is no visible subject. But don't be fooled: the subject in such a sentence which is the pronoun you. Normally, the subject in a command is left out, or invisible. If we do express the subject you in a command, it's most often a sign of strong irritation which is expressed in a sentence that is given below: You see that fish hook out of my jar right now!

What is the predicate? Now let’s know about predicate. The main part of the predicate is the verb. The predicate usually comes after the subject. The predicate is the part of the sentence that makes a statement about the subject. Once you find the subject, you can easily find the predicate. Just ask yourself what the sentence is telling you about the subject. The predicate might tell you what the subject did (or does, or will do). Let's take another look at our first example: Sumon collects bird. In this sentence, as you know, the subject is Sumon. The predicate collects Bird tells you what Sumon does. The verb here is the action verb collects.

We can know more about predicate by another example. The predicate might also give a description of the subject, as in our second example: Rahim’s wife constrictor seems restless this morning. Here, seems restless this morning gives a description of the subject Rahim’s wife constrictor. The verb is the linking verb seems which merely links the description of the subject, without expressing any action. The predicates we have seen have all been two or more words long. But sometimes, the predicate is simply a verb by itself like this example: Robi sneezed. In this example, Robi is the subject, and the verb which is sneezed, is the predicate. 

Let’s discuss about subject and predicate with some example. Our first example is: Emon and Priya were going to the Islampur. Here “Emon and Priya” is the subject and “were going to the Islampur” is the predicate. The other example is MD. Jahangir is the head of the ECE department. In this Sentence “MD. Jahangir” is the subject and “is the head of the ECE department” is the predicate. We also analysis the other subject. “UITS is one of the best universities in Bangladesh” and “The police officer arrested the Burglar”. These two sentences “UITS” and “The police officer” are the subject and the two predicates are “is one of the best universities in Bangladesh” and “arrested the Burglar”.

One important question is “Does the subject always come before the predicate?” No, the subject isn't always first. There are three situations in which the subject appears after the verb instead of before it. In most questions: Are you ready? (The subject you appear after the verb are.) Did I forget to feed my iguana again? (The subject I is placed after the first half of the verb did forget.) In many sentences beginning with here or there: Here comes the jury. (The subject jury appears after the verb comes.) There were fifteen cats and an eviction notice on Janet's front porch. (The subject fifteen cats and an eviction notice are placed after the verb was.)
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We also discuss the other sentence. Some sentences are beginning with one or more prepositional phrases like as: Across the clearing and through the stream ran the frightened deer. (The subject deer come after the verb ran.) Being able to recognize subjects and predicates is a useful skill, because they are the building blocks of complete sentences. Here we also provide you some exercise for you. This exercise helps to get a proper solution about subject and predicate.


1. In the following sentences separate the Subject and the Predicate: (a) The Beatles is called the greatest band on Earth. (b) The girl ate a peach. (c) Jesmin wants to dance with me. (d) Nicola plays volleyball every Thursday evening. (e) Sarah is invited at the party. (f) I like A Face without Eyes for its deep thoughtful tone. (g) A lot went wrong during our holiday. (h) It wasn’t serious accident. (i) He might not like the color green. (j) I am going to buy George a green shirt. (k) The circus has offered him another job. (l) She will live in a house in the center of Sydney. (m) Madame Joyita makes Neelima a cup of tea. (n) He works for a company called KMP. (o) Tom Hanks is a very successful Hollywood actor. (p) Sabina shot an arrow into the air. (q) A barking sound the shepherd hears. (r) On the top of the hill lives a hobbit.

2. Identify the subjects and predicates of the following sentences: (a) Have a happy birthday. (b) The mountains are a popular vacation spot. (c) Tad took his dog to the vet yesterday. (d) Holly and Mac cleaned the basement. (e) Do birds sing to warn other birds about their territory? (f) Park your car in the garage when the weather calls for snow. (g) At six o'clock each day, please feed and walk the dog. (h) Salad is a healthy addition to lunch and dinner. (i) Skunks are very accurate when they spray a rival. (j) Justin washed and waxed Dad's car. (k) The garbage truck arrives very early in the morning. (l) Would they prefer chili or sauerkraut with their hot dogs? (m) Sixteen inches of snow fell in the Adirondacks last night. (n) I am afraid of heights. (o) Reading often improves your vocabulary. (p) Cell phones are convenient at home or at the office. (q) Grab my hand and hang on tight! (r) The drenching rainfall yesterday flooded many roads. (s) May I borrow your stapler? (t) Place a coaster underneath your glass, please.

3. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting who are other languages. Write a paragraph about your Mother Language which is the international mother language. Explain your reasons. You should write at least 80 to words. You do NOT need to write your own address or details. Begin your paragraph as follows:

International Mother language Day

Foreign language can shape only the shadow of our thoughts, whereas mother language presents the replica of our mind. Hence, no language, however rich it is, can be equal to one’s mother language. Bangla is the mother language of Bangladesh. Through the declaration of International Mother Language Day, UNESCO has glorified the mother tongue of every nation. This declaration has assumed an added dimension to us, because it is our ‘Ekushey’ February which has been selected to observe as the International Mother Language Day. At this our language martyrs of the 21st February 1952 have got global recognition. The worldwide recognition of that very day has no doubt upheld the prestige of our country in Bangladesh to a great extent.
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Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution is somewhat technical term of this age of science and technology. It implies the poisoning of the surroundings of the human habitats. This environment includes air and atmosphere, water, land, sound, minerals etc. around human life. Environmental pollution is a direct offshoot (result) of the industrialized modern life. We are now forced to inhale air poisoned by smokes and fumes from vehicles, to drink water polluted by poisonous wastes from industries and factories. It is causing an imbalance in the very model of our living. The environmental pollution must be remedied at all costs. Otherwise mankind will perish. It is time to find out the way to control environmental pollution.

Our modern life is plagued with various forms of pollution. Like all other pollutants such as waste, smoke and unclear water, noise in the same way is also irritant and harmful for a peaceful life. Noisy atmosphere is subversive of quiet thinking, creative work and microphones, the hydraulic horns of vehicles and the sound produced from factories are the main causes of sound pollution. The student, the children and the sick, terribly suffer from this pollution. To live in peace, noise pollution must be checked. The government should take steps to keep sound tolerable limits.

The earth, the sweetest home for mankind, is undergoing a rapid change because of the greenhouse effect. This global warming is caused by the accumulation of certain gases like Carbon dioxide, CFC, Methane, and Nitrite oxide around the world. The presence of these gases to a large degree is making the Ozone layer of the earth’s atmosphere thinner day by day. At this, the ultraviolet ray of the sun can easily penetrate the atmosphere of the earth. It is predicted that midway through the next century, the temperature of the earth may rise as much as 4º c. This will reduce our ability to grow food and severely damage wildlife, raise sea-levels and thereby submerge the coastal areas.

“The answer is below the word limit and there is some repetition of the task rubric. (Length is a common problem with General Training scripts). Answers that are short lose marks because there is insufficient material in the answer for the examiner to give credit for accuracy and coherence. Despite these problems, the introduction to the letter is appropriate and the purpose of the writer is clear. The points are not always linked together well and punctuation is sometimes faulty. The sentences are kept quite simple and mistakes occur as soon as more complex structures are attempted.”

In this post we briefly discuss about the parts of a sentence. The parts of a sentence contain a subject and predicate which is very important to make a sentence in English. Without knowing the parts of a sentence one cannot make a proper sentence in English. That’s why in this post we briefly discuss about it. By our post one can get a proper idea about the parts of a sentence and also English. In our next post we also briefly discuss about parts of speech which is also very important to make a sentence. If you are interested about our parts of speech post and also English, you have to move that post. To move English post, please click here.

Life solution” is the site where you can get all types of easy solution which you face every day. We know that there are many private universities in Bangladesh. But we have not a proper idea about them and it is another problem like as English language. By our private university post, you can get a proper and easy solution and idea about them. To see private university post you can click here. Bangladesh is a beautiful country. There are lots of beautiful traveling places in this small country. Every year lots of foreign tourists come to visit this beautiful place. But most of the people of our country have not proper idea about those places. That’s why for your easy traveling solution, we provide you to travel guide. By this travel guide you can get a complete idea about the traveling places of Bangladesh. To move this post please click here.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


In our “Life Solution” site we try to give you the complete Solution about Bangladeshi people’s Life related problems. From various problems, learning English according with Grammar is one of the most talked problems. That’s why we are talking here About Solution of English Grammar problems. As English is a major Subject of curriculum in Bangladesh, all students must need to learn English Grammar to cut a good result and for this reason the site "Life Solution" come ahead to give you the proper guideline and make you as an efficient citizen of Bangladesh. In our previous post we give you a guide line About “Phrase, Clause and Sentence” which is a part of parcel of English Grammar. Now we are going to describe About Simple, Compound, and Complex are the three types of sentences. A common weakness in writing English is the lack of varied sentences and Grammars. Becoming aware of three general types of sentences--simple, Compound, and Complex--can help you vary the sentences in your writing English. The most effective writing uses a variety of the sentence types explained below.

Sentences: Simple, Compound, and Complex

1. Simple Sentences: A simple sentences always have the most basic objectives that make them a Sentence and those are: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. Examples of simple Sentences are: 1) Hasan waited for the bus, here "Hasan" = Subject, "waited" = verb. 2) The bus was late here "The bus" = Subject, "was" = verb. 3) Meena and Sajal took the bus, here "Meena and Sajal" = Compound Subject, "took" = verb. 4) I looked for Meena and Sajal at the bus station, in here "I" = Subject, "looked" = verb. 5) Meena and Sajal arrived at the train station before noon and left on the train before I arrived similarly "Meena and Sajal" = Compound Subject, "arrived" and "left" = Compound verb.
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The utilization of Substance Topics, Substance verbs, prepositional key phrases (such because "at the actual coach station"), along with other components assist extend easy phrases, however easy phrases frequently tend to be brief. Using a lot of easy phrases could make composing "choppy" and may avoid the composing through moving efficiently. An easy phrase may also be known as a completely independent terms. This is called "independent" simply because, whilst it may be a part of the Substance or even complicated phrase, additionally, it may uphold by itself like a total phrase.
2. Compound Sentence: A Compound sentence is that kind of sentence that refers to a Sentence made up of two independent clauses or complete sentences which are connected to one another with a coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions are these kinds of facts that are easy to remember if you think of the words "FAN BOYS" and they are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so etc. In here we will give you some examples of Compound sentences: 1) Jhon waited for the bus, but the bus was late. 2) I looked for Jolly and Shathi at the train station, but they arrived at the train station before noon and left on the train before I arrived there. 3) Mohin and Luchi arrived at the train station before noon, and they left on the train before I arrived there. 4) Jamal and Singdha left on the train before I arrived, so I could not get them at the train station.

If a person depends seriously upon Substance phrases within a composition, you should look at studying a number of them in to complicated phrases. Matching conjunctions are helpful allowing you to connect phrases; however Substance phrases frequently tend to be over-used. Whilst matching conjunctions may show some form of romantic relationship between your 2 impartial clauses within the phrase, these people occasionally don't show high of the romantic relationship. The term "and, inch for instance, just provides 1 impartial terms to a different, without having showing the way the 2 areas of the phrase tend to be realistically associated. A lot of Substance phrases which make use of "and" may deteriorate composing. Better and much more particular associations could be set up by using complicated phrases.

3. Complex Sentence: Complex sentences are made up of an independent clause. And one or more dependent clauses connected to them. A dependent clause work as similar to an independent clause in that case, or complete sentence, but it lacks one of the objectives that would make it a complete sentence. Now we will give you some examples of complex sentences like: 1) because of July and Sham arrived at the train station before noon. 2) While Shagar waited at the airport for you. 3) After Hasan and Anik left on the Train. All these dependent clauses cannot stand alone as a Sentence, but those sentences can be added to an independent clause to make a complete Complex Sentence. Dependent clauses are connected with subordinating conjunctions. Here we will give you some examples of the most common subordinating conjunctions like- although, after, whenever, before, even, because, if, since, though, unless, while, until, whereas, though, as, wherever, when etc.
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A complicated phrase ties a completely independent terms along with a number of reliant clauses. The actual reliant clauses may proceed very first within the phrase, then the actual impartial terms. Prior to all of us such as to provide you with the Suggestion once the reliant terms arrives very first, the comma ought to be accustomed to individual both clauses Like as 1) Because of Harry and Jhon arrived at the Train station before noon, he did not see them at the station. 2) While Sumon waited at the bus station, Jahangir realized that the bus was late. 3) After Sumon & Jonathon left on the Train, Maya and Sharmin realized that Enam was waiting at the bus station.

Conversely, the actual impartial clauses may proceed very first within the phrase, then the actual reliant terms and also the Suggestion that after the actual impartial terms arrives very first, the comma shouldn't be accustomed to individual both clauses. Examples will be like as 1) I did not see those two people at the station because Jhon and Sara arrived at the train station before noon. 2) John and Mhosin understood that the bus was late while they waited at the bus station. 3) Mou and Sharmin understood that John and Haidr were waiting at the station after they left on the bus.

Complex Sentences are always more useful than Compound sentences. Because of a Complex sentence means clearer and more appointed relationships between the main parts of the sentence. The word "before," for example, tells the listeners or the readers that one thing happen before another. A word such as "although" makes a more Complex relationship than a word such as "and" sustain.
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The term periodic sentence is used to refer to a Complex sentence. And it is beginning with a dependent clause and this kind of sentence ending with an independent clause, as in "While Samantha and Sharmin waited at the bus station, John and Pulak realized that the bus was late." But Periodic sentences can be especially effective and the reason will be the completed thought happens at the end of the sentence. As a result the first part of the sentence can make up to the meaning that comes at the end of the sentence.

Should you begin a sentence with "and" or "but" (or one of the other coordinating conjunctions)? The short answer is "no." You should avoid beginning a sentence with "and," "or," "but," or the other coordinating conjunctions. These words generally are used to join together parts of a sentence, not to begin a new sentence. However, such sentences can be used effectively. Because sentences beginning with these words stand out, they are sometimes used for emphasis. If you use sentences beginning with one of the coordinating conjunctions, you should use these sentences sparingly and carefully.

Should you use a sentence which starts with "because"? In that case there is nothing wrong with starting a sentence with "because”. "Perhaps some teachers are teaching the students not to start a sentence with "because" to avoid sentence fraction (if you see some example that it will be cleared for you, something like "Because Hasan and Saimon reached at the train station before noon" is a sentence fraction), but it is perfectly acceptable to start a sentence with "because" as long as the sentence is complete (as like as "Because Murari and Ponam reached at the train station before noon, as a result Sumon did not see them at the train station.").


A. In here we are giving you some examples. Try to identify the following Simple, Compound, or Complex sentences: 1. Fred was concerned about his daughter’s cough; however, it turned out to be nothing serious. 2. The summer has been extremely hot, but I think it’s getting cooler now. 3. When winter comes, we’ll all be complaining about the cold, and with my luck, my heater will break. 4. Her alarm didn’t go off this morning because she set it for P.M. instead of A.M. 6. I would really love to buy a new car, maybe a Hybrid. 7. Because my car has no air conditioning, I’ve been taking the bus. 5. In the next five years, I will have enough money to pay off my debt.

B. Try to identify whether the sentences are Simple, Complex, Compound or Compound-Complex. Underline dependent clauses where it applies: 1. Trina and Hareem went to a bar in Hollywood to celebrate their anniversary. 2. While waiting for the paint to dry, Angela went to Home Depot, and Martin organized the kitchen appliances. 3. Wicked Regina cast a spell on the entire city, so the citizens decided to rebel. 4. Vampires Dairies is my favorite television show, but I also love True Blood. 5. After listening to the Kanye West CD, I have new respect for his music. 6. The student wiped the white board that was filthy with last week’s notes. 7. After the teacher chose groups, John and Sara were selected as partners for a project, yet Sarah did most of the work. 8. The trendy fashion designer released her new line on Wednesday.

C. Please try to Identify these sentences if they are (a) Simple, (b) Compound or (c) Complex and write the correct answer on the dotted lines: 1. Most of the students are engineering majors, and they devote every minute of their spare time to their sport…………...... 2. The training rooms of these college athletes smell of grease and gasoline……………….…3. Their tools are hammers and spanners rather than basketballs and footballs…………………….4. Their practice field is a stretch of asphalt, and their heroes make living driving cars. ………………………. 5. This new brand of college athlete is involved in the sport of auto racing…………………..
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Guide Line:

Today we describe about an important part of English and that is the simple, Compound Complex sentences which are most useful sentences in our daily Life. In this post we try to give you a complete guideline about the simple, Compound Complex sentences. Hope that this post is very helpful for the students of all levels or who wants to learn English by themselves because we provide with sufficient examples and exercises so that everybody can understand the whole topic easily. In our next post we will described briefly About “Parts of a sentence: Subject or predicate” which also helps you to learn English Grammar easily. To know About “Parts of a sentence: Subject or predicate” please click here.

To get the Solution of any kind of problem related to Bangladesh all you need to just click our site “Life Solution”. Our motive of giving these posts is only helps you to find the Solution of your problems and make your Life comfortable. To make your Life so colorful you will find traveling Solution guide in our site as well. The natural beauty of Bangladesh and the accommodation and transport of each place for your easy traveling are briefly discussed in our traveling posts. By the information or guidelines from our posts a tourist can very easily travel any place of our country. From the university posts a student can get the accurate guideline or idea for private university of Bangladesh. To admit in a good university is an important decision of a student Life because this decision plays an important role in his whole Life. To get the guide line about universities please click here.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Classification of Sentences

At present time English language has become a very important instrument for globalization. Without knowing English it will be quite impossible for us to communicate with other people. At present time the entire world has become short by internet and satellite. These things make easier the globalization. The wall between the human and knowledge has broken by these things. By these things the distance between the people has demised. To communicate with the other world using this two thing English is must

At present time English has become a common problem to the people of Bangladesh. Maximum of the people of Bangladesh has little much idea about English. Very few of the people of Bangladesh can speak, read or write properly in English. Most of the people are afraid to learn this language. Because they thought learning English is may be too much hard and they also have no idea about the importance of English language. Some people bother about learning English language, because they don’t know the easy way of learning.
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BANGLA” is the mother language of the people of Bangladesh. But English language is must for better communication to the other world. Without learning this language we can’t communicate with the foreign people. At present time the most important TV shows, news of the world, international games all are publish in English. So learning English is must for all now. In case of learning English everybody faces some problems and difficulties. That’s why life solution is here with the Solution and the guide lines of the easy way of learning English. If you want to learn English in easy way life solution will be a great Solution for you. In our previous post we have discussed about Phrase, Clause and Sentence. We believe our previous post about English on life solution will be a great solution and guide lines of your learning English. By our post you will get the easy way of learning English. Today we will discuss about another important topic THE CLASSIFICATION OF SENTENCES. Sentence and it’s classification is another important part of English grammar.


When we speak with others or write any think we use words in groups like as: Rita runs a red bicycle. A group of words like this, which makes complete sense, is called a sentence. Language that we use can be more complex. In order to communicate with the others with the written word, you have to take into account all the shade, accents, and feelings associated with spoken language. And as you probably know, all spoken sentences do not have the same intent or purpose.

Do you ever need to ask a question to anybody? Of course you do, don’t you? Do you ever need to make a request or give a command? Obviously! Do you ever need to show emotion to others? Emphatically! Do you ever need to give information to anybody? Without a doubt you have done this. That’s why you need to understand these master and these important concepts in writing, too. Your words become much more engaging and interesting when you follow these facts. Just as you ask questions, deliver information, make exclamations, or make a request in daily communications, the written word needs to reflect the same goals. For this reason the structural of language and sentence are divided into categories based on the purpose and form of the sentence.

The classification of sentences: No, we’re not talking about a popular British rock band system in here. Nothing is as exciting in here, but fundamentally much more important when it comes to your writing. We are talking about the 4 fundamental sentence classifications. So, let’s get the classification of English. Four Sentence Types are: 1) Declarative Sentences, 2) Imperative Sentences, 3) Exclamatory Sentences, 4) Interrogative Sentences. These are the classifications of sentences. Don’t you know what they mean? Here is a brief description on the purpose of each classification.
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Declarative Sentences: Declarative sentence is a part of sentence that makes a statement to relay information or ideas. They are emphasized with a simple period. Formal essays or reports that are composed are almost entirely of declarative sentences. Examples of Declarative Sentences are: 1) Green is my favorite color. 2) December 16th is our Independence Day. 3) All Declarative sentences make a statement. 4) You are a good woman, Jaen. 5) The concert begins in two hours 6) Hawaii is a tropical climate.

Imperative Sentences: Imperative sentences are another part of sentence which issue commands or requests or they can express a desire or wish. They are emphasized with a simple period. Even they can be exclamations with an exclamation mark. It all depends on the strength of emotion that you actually want to express. Exclamatory sentences can consist of a single verb. Even they can be more lengthy and complex depending on your express. Examples of Imperative Sentences are: Halt, Yield, and Watch for oncoming cars, Respond immediately as first as you can, Please lower your voice, Jhon; Meet me at the Bashundhara City, Drop what were you doing and come celebrate with us!

Exclamatory Sentences: Exclamatory sentences are the part of the sentence that express strong emotion. Exclamatory sentences does not really matter what the emotion is, an exclamatory sentence is the type of sentence which needed to express what you want to say. Exclamatory sentences always end with an exclamation mark, so it’s pretty easy to spot those sentences. Examples of Exclamatory Sentences are: 1) you want to go! 2) I can’t do that! 3) you love me! 4) Oh, my goodness, he won! 5) Suddenly, a tiger appeared in my path! 6) This is the best day! 7) You don’t want go!

Interrogative Sentences: Interrogative sentences are another part of sentence that also easy to spot. That’s because by sentences you will always ask a question and you will end this sentence with a question mark. Examples of Interrogative Sentences are: 1) Is it wrong? 2) Have you had lunch? 3) Do you want go there Jhon? 4) Who are you taking to? 5) You like Bangladeshi food, don’t you? These all sentences are the examples of interrogative sentence. Always mind that the interrogatives may require a simple yes or no response each end in a question mark.
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Understand The 4 Sentence Types?
In here you’ll find a list of sentences. Test that what you understand about the four types of sentences by deciding which kind of sentence is portrayed. 1. Are you ready to go there? 2. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. 3. I can’t believe that they lost the game! 4. Take me out to this game. 5. Where did I lose my wallet? 6. I lost my money at the buss. 7. Oh, my God, I lost my bag at the train! 8. Would you like to leave your boots at the door? 9. Hurray, I won the match! 10. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 taka. If you solve this you can learn easily. The important thing to take away from this is that when you use the four different sentence types in your writing, your writing is automatically more interesting.


Identify and label each sentence as declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory. Write the correct punctuation mark after each sentence. 1) This summer, my family will travel to Greece 2) I am so excited, 3) Do you know what Protikaon is, 4) They don’t know anything about this, 5) Go there now and do as I said, 6) Be good to all the creature of the world, 7) What a shame, 8) Nah, I won’t go, 9) This pen writes well, 10 Let’s move

Identify each sentence as declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory. A. Who was the first female astronaut? B. Buckle your seat-belt even for short trips. C. Please put the stamped envelopes in this box. D. You must be joking! E. What a thrill that ride was! F. In 1776, there were fifty-three newspapers in London. G. Who were the first people to use paper money? H. Insert the diskette in this slot. I. Insects outnumber people by millions to one. J. What an amazing story that is!

Read the following topic:

Many students decide to further their study abroad. What are the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad? To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write at least 250 words. Model answer: 
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These days, across the quick improvement associated with economic climate, a few college students believe that research overseas provides benefits, while some tend to be from the viewpoint they ought to complete college training within their motherland. It's very organic that individuals through various skills might have divergent behavior in the direction of this. College students, that recommend which research overseas offers lots of drawback, possess their own seem factors. To begin with, residing much abroad, college students are affected through being lonely as well as homesickness. Abroad college students frequently dropped disoriented as well as stressed out with regard to insufficient sufficient understanding as well as knowledge of the neighborhood traditions as well as way of life. Next, numerous college students don't wish to go back to their own nation following graduating simply because many of them wish to look for a far more comfy existence as well as better long term abroad. This might create a severe brain-drain as well as the nation may undoubtedly incur an enormous lack of abilities.

Today, over the fast advancement regarding economic system, several pupils believe examine in another country delivers advantages, although some are usually with the view which they must end school schooling inside their motherland. It really is really normal that folks coming from diverse backdrops could have divergent perceptions toward that. Pupils, which suggest in which examine in another country provides plenty of downside, have got their particular appear causes. To start with, dwelling significantly overseas, pupils will suffer coming from isolation and also homesickness. Offshore pupils usually chop down disoriented and also despondent regarding not enough satisfactory information and also comprehension of the area pursuits and also life-style. Second of all, several pupils usually do not desire to come back to their particular region right after college due to the fact a lot of them desire to find an even more secure living and also lighter upcoming offshore. This could cause a significant brain-drain and also our own region can unavoidably incur a massive loss in skills.

Currently, down the speedy growth involving overall economy, a number of individuals feel that analyze in foreign countries gives lots of benefits, and some are generally in the thoughts and opinions that they can need to conclude university or college education and learning of their motherland. It can be pretty pure that men and women via distinct qualification could possibly have divergent thinking in direction of the idea. Individuals, whom endorse that will analyze in foreign countries features a great deal of negative aspect, get his or her audio motives. For starters, existing considerably out of the house, individuals are affected via being alone along with homesickness. International individuals generally dropped disoriented along with frustrated pertaining to deficiency of enough know-how along with idea of nearby practices along with life style. Second, a lot of individuals tend not to need to resume his or her land immediately after school since much need to seek out a cozy lifestyle along with richer potential international. This will likely spark a critical brain-drain along with each of our land will certainly incur a tremendous decrease of skillets.
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That was all about sentence and classification which was written by Shahinul Islam, MA in English, Lecturer of World University. We believe our post on THE CLASSIFICATION OF SENTENCES will be a great Solution for your learning English. Bangladesh life solution is a site where you can find all the information and solution of your problems. English has become an important part of our life. It very important to learning English language. Without learning this language it will be difficult to communicate with others. That’s why Bangladesh life Solution chooses English as your problem and trying to give you solution and guide lines about it. We said previous Grammar and Vocabulary are the main parts of learning English language. Because of, without grammar and vocabulary it will be quite difficult to learn English. And it is obvious to know grammatical rules to learn any language in proper way. If you want to learn more and want help about IELTS you can email us too.

Life solution will help you to learn English properly. By which you can speak, read and write easily in English. Life solution will be an easy way of your learning this language. Today we have discussed about the sentence and its classification. We believe our post on the sentence and the classification will be a good guide line of your learning English in easy way. In our next post we will discuss about Simple, Complex and Compound Sentences which are another important part of English grammar. In Bangladesh life solution site you will also get the guide line and Solution about traveling in Bangladesh and about the Private Universities of Bangladesh.

Monday, February 16, 2015

About Phrase, Clause and Sentence

Life solution is a site where you can get all the solution and guide lines about English, Traveling and Private University. These three are the main problem of students as well as people of Bangladesh. At present post we are discussing about English. As a language English is an international language. English is a most popular language which is mostly used in communication. It is widely learned as a second language. English is the 3rd most common native language in the world. In our site “Life Solution” we try to provide the students with the maximum benefit in an atmosphere where they can learn English easily and we also involve you in a variety of activities as like as how to improve reading, how to improve writing, how to improve grammar, discussions, etc. To solve your English problem & easy way to learn English, see our table of content list. 

To learn English properly we all need to focus on the grammatical rules. To speak and write in English properly students or anyone have the knowledge of two things and these are: 1) Grammar and 2) Vocabulary. To know or to learn a language it is very important to know the grammatical rules of the language. Because of without learning the grammatical rules one cannot speak or write properly though he or she knows much about vocabulary. That’s why we will discuss about the grammatical rules of English step by step. We “Life Solution” believe our post on English will be a great guide lines and the easy way to learn English to you and especially for the students. Today we will discuss the phrase, clause and sentence which are very important part of grammatical rules of English.


Phrase means a collection of words that may have nouns or verbs, but it does not have a subject doing a verb. There are some examples of phrases: smashing into a fence, leaving behind the dog, before the first test, on the table, broken into thousands of pieces, between ignorance and intelligence, because of her glittering smile. In these examples that we given above, you will find some nouns like as: fence, test, dog, thousands, ignorance, devastation, intelligence, and pieces. You will also have some verbal’s like as leaving, smashing. They are all phrases.  

Phrases and clauses

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Clause means the collection of words that has a subject and that is actively doing a verb. There are some examples of clauses: 1) because she smiled at him, 2) when the rain stops; 3) I despise individuals of low character, 4) Obadiah Simpson is uglier than a rabid raccoon, 5) since she laughs at diffident men. In the examples that we given above, we will find either a noun or a pronoun that is a subject which is attached to a predicate verb in each case: since she laughs at diffident men, I despise individuals of low character, when the rain stops; Obadiah Simpson is uglier than a rabid raccoon, because she smiled at him. 

If the clause could stand by itself, and form a complete sentence with punctuation, we call the clause an independent clause. The following are independent clauses: Obediah Simpson is uglier than a rabid raccoon, I despise individuals of low character. It could be easily turn independent clauses into complete sentences. For that we have to add appropriate punctuation marks. We might say "Obediah Simpson is uglier than a rabid raccoon!", Or we might write, "I despise individuals of low character." We call them independent because these types of clauses can stand independently by themselves, without any extra words attached, and be complete sentences.

Now we will discuss about the dependent clause. It is another important part of grammar. Dependent clauses have a subject doing a verb, but they have a subordinate conjunction placed in front of the clause. That subordinate conjunction means that the clause can't stand independently by itself. It can’t become a complete sentence without a subordinate conjunction. Instead, the dependent clause is dependent on another clause; it can't make a complete sentence by itself, even though it has a subject which is doing a verb. Common dominating conjunctions or dependent words: since, because, after, who, whom, what, whose, when, before, until, whatever, that, if, while, whether...or not, as, although, unless, even though, as if, which, so that. Here are some examples of dependent clauses: example1- because she smiled at him. Example, 2- when the saints go marching in, example3- since she laughs at diffident men. 

In the site life solution site you will get the easy way to learn English. We will provide you the easy way and simple solution of your problems to solve those. We will provide you extra facilities about IELTS. To know more about Spoken or IELTS course you can email us.

Exercises 1

Easy way to learn English

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A. Identify whether they are phrase, dependent clause, or independent clause: 1. Over my head, 2. Because I was afraid, 3. I didn’t get very much sleep, 4. That night, 5. I knew what happened, 6. So that I could get some rest, 7. I heard the cat’s meow, 8. Sitting by the broken plate licking the crumbs, 9.When I finally got up, 10. I got so tired, 11. Even though I counted sheep, 12. Ear plugs would be a good investment, 13. I never realized how losing sleep affected me, 14. The next day, 15.When I got to work, 16. I forgot to lock the door of my car, 17. Walking into the parking garage, 18. Did you ever get a strange feeling that someone was around you, 19. On the back of my neck, 20. All because I hadn’t had enough sleep, 21. If you go, 22.Once in a while, 23. It rains, 24. Since they apologized, 25. Off they go.

B.Determine whether the underlined word groups are dependent clauses, independent clauses, or phrase: 1. Although it was raining, Maria went for a jog at Civitan Park, 2. Brianna eats chocolate whenever she gets a poor grade in math, 3. After the flood, the family moved into a temporary shelter, 4. While walking at the park, John saw a raccoon eating potato chips, 5. Students enrolled in bachelor's and associate's degree programs must pass the Regents' Test as a graduation requirement, 6. Students who fail to show up for the Regents' test must enroll in the Regents' remediation courses, 7. When you finish your homework, please take the dog for a walk, 8. After Juan completed the assignment, he swam laps at the gym, 9. Christa left home at 4:00 a.m. since she had to drive to Atlanta for a meeting, 10. Before completing the assignment, Evan decided to eat a quick lunch, 11. Jason took a nap before he left for his friends’ house.12. You can keep your privileges as long as we continue to progress.13. Hqannh wasn’t feeling well, which dad noticed immediately.

14. Although you may disagree, I shall say Sheila is the best person for the job.15. There would be less tension between them if they could just see eye to eye.16. I’m bringing my homework along even though we don’t plan to stay song.17. Hasan, whom I’ve never met before, seemed like a pretty nice guy.18. In order that we may be respectful of the presenters, please turn off your cell phones.19. I knew this was going to be an exciting game when Andrew took his first swing.20.Before you go, would you please be sure to clean up the mess you make?21. Margaret, whose earrings I borrowed last week, is a nice girl.22. It seemed like only yesterday that I was here playing tag with my friends Julie and Laurie.23. Whichever cookie, you decide on, I assure you it will be absolutely delicious. 

Learning English

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C. Identify the underlined phrase or clause: 1. Hoping for a miracle, the doctors continued the surgery. Answer: ………………………..2. Hasan’s book, which made Oprah’s Book Club this month, is not in any stores. Answer: ………………………..3. While preparing for the speech, Jaen couldn’t help but worry about his entrance. Answer: ………………………..4. Ahmad Hasan wants to visit Bangladesh, but he will need to wait for his next vacation. Answer: ………………………..5. After the banquet, the cooks will take a well-deserved break. Answer: ………………………..6. The cat that Sam chose from the litter seems to be healthy. Answer: ………………………..7. Our boss supports donating time to charity Answer: ………………………..8. Meena hoped to find a cure for the disease, but she tried to be realistic. Answer: ………………………..9. Jhon is hoping for a change to play pool with his aunt. Answer: ………………………..

10. The shoes she saw in the catalogue are available down the street. Answer: ………………………..11. The reporter crouched behind that big tree got the best picture of the arrest. Answer: ………………………..12. Shown Pen, who recently spoke to the youth group, excels at motivating young students. Answer: ………………………..13. Pushed beyond endurance, the runner dropped the baton. Answer: ………………………..14. Arnold hoped to find an answer to the funding shortfall. Answer: ………………………..15. Pressed for time, the agent ran the red light. Answer: ………………………..16. Keith tried supporting both teams, but his heart was with Oregon. Answer: ………………………..17. His uncle thinks that working for the government is the key to stability. Answer: ………………………..18. Karan, who resented being left at home, drew on the walls with his crayons. Answer: ………………………..19. Rana’s chance to make his point slipped away. Answer: ………………………..20. Is it possible that Jhon will compete against this man? Answer: ………………………...

D. Finish any of the stories in about 220 words and underline the independent clauses that you used: 1. I looked into Sharmin's eyes. I was not sure what that was fear, worry or pain. I screamed. I tried to scoot over to her and rest my head on her shoulder. "This couldn't be happening," I told myself, "this can't be real." 2. I felt my face wet with tears. I saw Tahmid's face was wet too. He was crying. Not as a sign of weakness, but of fear for the both of us. 3. It was a dark dark night; no stars were in the sky. I was walking and bleeding to death. I needed help, help in any forms. I couldn’t think what was going to happen.

Or describe the following picture


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Today we only describe about phrase, clause and sentence. Those are the basic of English learning. By our this post you will get a complete idea about the phrase, clause and sentence. This post contains a huge amount of example, which help to improve your English learning. In our next post we discuss about the classification of the sentence. To move our next post which is about the classification of the sentence, please click here.

Bangladesh is a developing country. For actual development to a country education is must. At present time English has become a very important fact of education. Without knowing English properly you can’t be a proper educated person. And for the students of Bangladesh English has become a mandatory fact. But most of the cases students or the people of Bangladesh afraid to learn English. The only reason of that is the misguide lines or little much idea about this language. So that life solution is here to provide you proper guide lines about this problem. Today we have discussed about some part of grammatical rules like PHRASE, CLAUSE, AND SENTENCE which was written by Shahinul Islam, MA in English, Lecturer of World University. We have tried to give you proper guide lines about this part of Grammar.

Life solution” is a completely based on solution of your problems. On our site we try to get you proper or accurate solution and we also try to make your life so easy with our all posts. You will also find traveling solution guide in our site which make your life so colorful. In our traveling post we discuss about the natural beauty of Bangladesh and also discuss about the accommodation and transport of every place for your easy traveling. A tourist can easily travel any traveling places by helping our post. The student can also get the proper idea or solution for private university admission. To know more about English, please click here. For university admission, please click here. To enjoy your life & easy and safe traveling, please click here.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Easy way to learn English - Solution

English is an international language. It is widely learned as a second language. Now, English has become the leading language of international discourse. English is an official language of the European Union and United Nations and also almost 60 sovereign states as well as many international organizations. ENGLISH is now a global lingua Franca. It is the 3rd most common native language in the world. This language contains a very large vocabulary with complex and irregular spelling. It is the world’s most widely used languages.


History of Modern English:

Englisg language
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English is a most popular language which is mostly used in communication. English language started with the arrival of three Germanic tribes. During the 5th century AD it invaded by Britain. The tribes are Angles, Saxons and Jutes. These tribes crossed the North Sea and at that time the inhabitants of Britain spoke a Celtic language. The tribes Angles came from “England”. The language of Angles was called “Englisc”. From the fusion of those two words “England” and “Englisc” were derived. From 450 to 1100 AD is called old English. The Germanic tribes spoke in old English. It did not sound or look like English today. Old English is the language which is so much difficult to understand. This language was used for spoken before 1100 AD.

The English language, which was used in spoken from 1100 to 1500 AD, is called Middle English. That time this language was the language of the Royal Court and business classes. But at that time lower classes people spoke in English, and the upper classes people spoke in French. Middle English is much easier than Old English. English became dominant in Britain again in the 14th century. There are many French words added in English at that time. But today Middle English would be difficult for native English speakers to understand clearly. Middle English was the language of a great poet Chaucer. He was born in about 1340 AD and died in about 1400 AD.

The English language, which was used in spoken from 1500 to 1800, is called Modern English. A distinct and sudden change started in pronunciation at the end of Middle English. The British had to communicate with other peoples from all around the world at the 16th century. Many new words and phrases entered the language at the time of Modern English. It is called the “Renaissance of Classical learning”. Modern English was the first common language in print. As a result books became cheaper and people learned to read easily. In the English language spelling and grammar become fixed. The system of printing is brought normalization to the English. Publishing houses of London were becoming standard. The first English dictionary was published in London at the AD in 1604. Modern English was the language of famous writer Shakespeare.

The English language, which we use in office from 1800 to present time, is called Late Modern English. Vocabulary is the main difference between Early Modern English and Late Modern English. Industrial Revolution and modern technology, which started in the 19th century, has created more new words. Many foreign words from many countries adopted in the English language because at that time one quarter of the earth’s surface was covered by the British Empire. English is the language which is mostly used for communication in world wide. There are many varieties of English around the world, but the American English is particularly influential. English language which is the part of the Germanic family of language and the Indo-European language family has many branches. Germanic is one of them. In 1928 the Oxford English Dictionary is published.

The benefits of learning English:

English Dictionaries
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The benefits of learning English have cut across scientific, educational, technological, cultural, economic and political, and also communication arenas so that it is constantly being learned as a second language for many different purposes. Now it is the most commonly used languages for all over the world. In the many countries English is used as the official language. Those countries where the first language is not necessarily English, making it almost mandatory to learn the language for administrative purposes. This language is largely used for economic purposes which including trade, media and communication. In many different forms for a variety of purposes English is used. It is also used in the social or cultural attributes. English is a global language, that’s why this language is used as a computer language. It is the most common language to communicate. In higher education, English is used because of student’s easy communication with the new technology system.

English vs. Bangla:

The mother tongue is the most favorite for everyone. We are the Bangladeshi cannot live in isolation and we have communicated with the other language peoples. More than 95% people of our country communicate with each other by Bangle language. That’s why our country is considered to be monolingual country. But more than 10 languages are used in our small country like as Chakma, Monipuri, Rakhain, Garo, Sawtali etc. Urdu is the language which is the mother language of Pakistan. This language is written in Arabic script, though it comes from Indo-European language. Either we need to know other people’s language to communicate them or we have to communicate in a Lingua-Franca which is the understandable to both of us.

Now a day we know that the world has become a global village. The technology and communication system has become so advances in this era. In this reason one country is dependable to the other country. They are dependent to each others for trade and commerce, politics, education, technology, etc. So, they have to communicate constantly with each other. Third world countries are not self-sufficient. Bangladesh is one of them and that’s the reason we have to depend on foreign aid. For this purpose every year, many foreigners come to Bangladesh. Another reason is tourist places. Bangladesh is a small country, but it has a lot of tourist spots. Every year lots of foreign tourists come to Bangladesh for traveling its beautiful and most attractive tourist spots. These reasons remind us the essentially of learning other languages.

Image from page 298 of Tropes and figures in Anglo-Saxon prose ..(1897)
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There are many countries of the world have adopted a European language as a 2nd language for this reality. It is used in education, economic activities, law court and government works. It is also called official language. In the many African countries we can see that they have adopted the language of their past colonial rulers as the 2nd language. For literary and economic purposes some European languages have become very important in the world like as German and French language.

In the Bangladesh many people are interested to learn French because of abroad jobs. By learning French language one can get extra facilities in the Canadian immigration. They can also get extra point for this. English is the foreign language for the Bengali. But this language is used in every side of our national life, though Bangla is our mother language. In the economic activities of the private companies in Bangladesh are carried out in English, though government offices must use Bangla in their official works. In our country Bangla is the national language and English is the 2nd language, but many places English is more important than Bangla.

For an easy solution to your English problem & also for advance courses like IELTS, Spoken, etc. you can contact with us. We will provide you extra facilities about IELTS. To know more about Spoken or IELTS course you can email us.

English uses sector in Bangladesh:

There are many sectors in Bangladesh, where English is used as an official language. The law court in Bangladesh is one of them. In the lower courts carry out their activities in Bangla but English is very influential in the high court and Supreme Court. When a lawyer practices in the Supreme Court, he/she must have a good command in English. Another sector is education sector in Bangladesh. English is used officially in education during the British period. At that time formal and institutionalized education system started in Bangladesh because our country is the part of British India. During this period the medium of education was largely in English.

In the 1960 Bangla was started to use in college level in Bangladesh. After the liberation war government tried to exchange English by replacing Bangla but their faces some problem. There were not enough books of any field in Bangla language which is the one of the major problems. The same problem was in the science & technology system. In our country, there are three kinds of the education system like as Bangla medium, English medium and Madrasa medium. Though Bangla medium schools are following the Bangladesh text book board, but English medium school doesn’t follow Bangladeshi education system. They follow the rules of the British Council. And that’s the reason many of the students of English medium are very weak in Bangla language. Even some can’t talk in Bangla fluently.
English uses sector in Bangladesh
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On the other hand Bangla medium students are also weak in English. They can’t talk, read and write in English fluently. The other system is Madrasa system. In this system mainly used in Arabic and Bangla, where English is so much neglected. There are more than 70 private universities in Bangladesh. The medium of all private universities is in English. So in our discussion, we clear that our general English education system has equal if not more importance than Bangla. Bangladesh is a developing country and the economy of our country is dependent on foreign aids and export. To improve economy trading is more needed than production. It requires constant communication with foreign countries. To communicate foreign company English is most needed. So we can say that English is the dominant language in our economic activities.

Suggestions for students:

Students need to be joined in the learning activities. They should try many sources for learning English and also reduce the dependence on a single source like a teacher. A student must be self confident. When speaking English a student can make some mistake, so they hesitate to speak in English whether it is correct or incorrect. They should develop their writing skills by report writing or writing summary. They should also show interest in learning a foreign language like English which is the international language. One student can learn a foreign language by some step by step process. They should make a habit of speaking English as possible as they can. Students should watch English TV programs, and should read English newspapers, English books and English blogs.

Easy way to learn English with “Bangladesh life solution”:

In our site “Life Solution” we will try to provide help to the students with the maximum benefit in an atmosphere where they can learn English easily and we also involve you in a variety of activities as like as how to improve reading, how to improve writing, how to grammar, how to discussions, etc. You can improve your English skill by our post because in our post we will briefly discuss about English. In our post we also try to get you the easiest process to learn English. In the different books you will get different rules about how to improve writing and how to improve reading English which makes some confusion for you. That’s why we will try to get you accurate rules of English grammar by online program. For more you can also contact with us. We also believe that our post will be a positive impact on learning English in your life. To solve your English problem & easy way to learn English, see our table of content which is given below.

Life solution” is completely based on solving your problem. On our site we try to get you proper or accurate solution and we also try to make your life so easy with our all posts. You will also find traveling solution guide in our site which make your life so colorful. In our traveling post we discuss about the natural beauty of Bangladesh and also discuss about the accommodation and transport of every place for your easy traveling. A tourist can easily travel any traveling places by helping our post. The student can also get the proper idea or solution for private university admission. For UNIVERSITY ADMISSION, please click here. To enjoy your life & easy and SAFE TRAVELING, please click here.