Bangladesh is an over populated country. Day by day the population of Bangladesh is increasing. As a result the number of the students is also increasing. That’s why it becomes difficult to take the admission in Public Universities. So, most of the students, that can’t get admitted in the public universities try to get admitted in the private university to own their goal of life. But most of the students have no idea about the private universities of Bangladesh. That’s why Bangladesh life solution is here to give you proper and appropriate guide lines and total information about the most leading private universities of Bangladesh. In our previous post we discussed about BRAC University. Today we will discuss about Chittagong Independent University (CIU).
CIU At A Glance
At present time, according to the history of Bangladesh Chittagong Independent University (CIU) has become a very important private university. CIU is one of the leading private universities of Bangladesh. Though this private university is a newly approved private university, but CIU has built a good reputation within this short time. Chittagong Independent University (CIU) got the approval of University Grand Commission (UGC) at 2010. This university is also approved by Private University Act 2010. The journey of Chittagong Independent University (CIU) was start in 1999. At the time of starting the name of this private university was Chittagong Campus of Independent University, Bangladesh in short (IUB). From the starting of Chittagong Independent University (CIU) has established itself as an academic hub for the corporate world. But in the year of 2010 here occurs some legislative change and Chittagong Campus of Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) applied for functioning as an independent private university. Chittagong Independent University (CIU) got the approval at February 6, 2013.
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CIU is a unique and one of the most important private universities. This private university is well reputed among all the private universities which have been offering quality and skilful education with international setup and world class facilities with activities in Chittagong. Chittagong Independent University (CIU) has been following the curriculum course of North American. This private university provides the students open credit system to study. As a result, it is very easy to the students to choose to go abroad for higher studies. This private university has highly qualified faculty members and management persons. The faculty members and management persons of Chittagong Independent University (CIU) are all well qualified with years of experience and they are traditionally from the then IUB. All the faculty members of this private university have achieved degrees from different renowned institutions at home and abroad. They publish widely in national and international academic journals. The members of the faculty of this private university attend national and international conferences also.
If the students study here they will get air-conditioned class-rooms which are equipped with multimedia and computer facilities, labs where they will get a huge number of books and library where the students will get all the necessary equipments. By providing all these facilities to the students Chittagong Independent University (CIU) has built the reputation of having the world class facilities in Chittagong. By study in this private university students will get IT facilities and Wi-Fi networked in the campus area which meet the demands of the 21st Century. The academic environment of Chittagong Independent University (CIU) is complemented by a number of student clubs. All these clubs organize various kinds of co-curricular events over the year. One of the unique and important features of Chittagong Independent University (CIU) is that it has been hosting the American Corner in Chittagong for the last 10 years.
The Mission and Goals of Chittagong Independent University (CIU)
The mission of Chittagong Independent University (CIU) is to achieve the goals of higher education and of sustainable economic growth. This university will make this happen in the country through a two way relationship between community and university. CIU's goals are to produce graduates of international standards. They will produce these within the local environment, with knowledge and relevant skills. By which the students of Chittagong Independent University (CIU) will provide leadership in enthusiasm, public service and welfare. By study in here student will able to encourage and support useful research, the university will help to create knowledge, and provide further learning opportunities for the talents. The curriculum activities of Chittagong Independent University (CIU) for the under graduate education are to teach communicative skills with a strong humanities background, knowledge and ability in a subject, and a sub-specialization in a related subject. This is coordinate with the ultimate goal of preparing students with middle management skills and the background necessary to explore higher studies.
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This was about Chittagong Independent University (CIU) and the Mission & Goal of this private university. It is very clear that this university has established to produce talents. To study in this private university will be a great opportunity for the students. In Bangladesh life solution site we already discuss about this private university and its mission & goal. Now we will discuss about the vital problem that all the students face and that the programs and the tuition fees of the programs. We believe Bangladesh life solution will be a great solution for you about the private university problem.
The Course or the Programs of CIU
In Chittagong Independent University (CIU) students will get three types of faculties for study. The faculties are: 1) School of Business 2) School of Science and engineering and 3) School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (SLASS). Under all these faculties there are various kinds of programs that offer by Chittagong Independent University (CIU). We “Bangladesh life solution” will discuss and try to give you information about all the faculties step by step. We believe that will be a great guide lines to the students to choose their desire subject.
Information about School of Business
School of business of Chittagong Independent University is a very important faculty. This faculty was established in January 2013 and it was approved under the private universities act 2009. In this faculty there are more than 300 students studying within its Chittagong Campus. All the students are engaged in under graduate and Post Graduate study in various streams. The students of this faculty are supported by 12 full time faculty members. All the faculty members possess academic and professional qualifications and experience.
Most of these faculty members of School of Business faculty have degrees from different countries like USA, UK and Australia. The main focus of this private university is to provide excellent education and hence they focus on getting the best faculty members in Chittagong. The ratio of the faculty students and the faculty members is 1:25, which is maintained to ensure high quality of learning and teaching support. The fabulous faculty has also built an extensive international network that supports its teaching and research activities.
Courses or Program Information
Chittagong Independent University offers two types of course in Business faculty. These are IUBS Under graduate Courses and IUBS Post Graduate Course. Under the IUBS Under graduate course the programs they offer are Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting, Finance, Management, Human Resource Management (HRM), Marketing, Management Information Systems (MIS). Under the Post Graduate course the offer Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance, Marketing, Banking, Human Resource Management (HRM).
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Information about the School of Science & Engineering: School of Science & Engineering of Chittagong Independent University is another very important faculty. This faculty was established in January 2013 and it was approved under the private universities act 2009. In School of Science & Engineering faculty there are more than 300 students studying within its Chittagong Campus. All the students of School of Science & Engineering are engaged in under graduate and Post Graduate study in various streams. The students of this faculty are supported by 12 full time faculty members. All the faculty members of this faculty possess academic and professional qualifications and experience. Under this faculty they offer some programs like Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer science and Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering.
Computer Science and Engineering Information: Computer Science and Engineering is very important part of School of Science and Engineering of Chittagong Independent University (CIU). Computer Science & Engineering is the design and prototyping of computing devices and it is also design of computing systems. By sharing the history and also many areas of benefits with Computer Science, Computer Engineering solidify its endeavor on the ways in which computing ideas are retail into working corporal systems. Emerging equally from the disciplines of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering reposes on the discursive foundations of these kinds of disciplines which are the basic physical sciences and mathematics.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Information: Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) is another important program of School of Engineering of Chittagong Independent University. Electrical and Electronic Engineering program is widely based to prepare students for a wide range of professional careers. As a graduate engineer students of this private university will be able to deal with anything from power engineering to microelectronics, telecommunication network to VLSI as well as digital systems. By study in this subject students will be specialist in electrical engineering. That will give the students a big opportunity to address the great demand for highly skilled electrical (power and control) engineers worldwide. If students study in this program, they will be able to expose to the latest advances through up to date modules, laboratory experiments and project work and they will also able to addressing real-world problems in power electronics, power engineering and control.
Computer Science Information: The Computer Science (CS) department provides a quality education to the students centered experience. The under graduate and graduate program of Chittagong Independent University provide the students a timely and well-rounded view of the field, with special impulse on the applied aspects of usual mainstream areas of computer science like as: operating systems, algorithms, distributed computing, networks, databases, programming languages, and theory of computing. The Computer Science program of Chittagong Independent University (CIU) also offers courses in several subfields including graphics, computer vision, and the software aspects of computer architecture.
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Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering Information: The present era is of Information Technology. With the help of the advance technologies of telecommunication system field the whole world is becoming very easily get-at-able. Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering is the mother branch of IT. This branch contains wide scope in the Public Sectors, Private sectors. Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering Program also have scope in Government sectors. The students of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering will get a very good future prospectus since so many multinational companies are requisitioned in the field of telecommunication.
Information About SLASS: School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (SLASS) of Chittagong Independent University provides only the BA in English Language and Literature program leading to a Bechelor’s degree. BA in English Language and Literature provides an undivided material of CIU’s academic offerings, the Foundation Courses, for the under graduate students, tailored to enhance critical thinking and essential skills. The creative and challenging environment at School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (SLASS) gives students an opportunity to discover their won talent. The verity of the School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (SLASS) offered by the school inspires students to become an anthropologist, a master of language, a creative writer, a journalist, a teacher, a sociologist, an entrepreneur, a communication expert or go on to pursue advance studies. CIU’s extraordinary faculty at School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (SLASS) prepares all the students to be a remarkable professional and an extraordinary member of the global community.
That was all about the faculties, programs and departments of the Chittagong Independent University (CIU). All the faculties of this private university has been improvised by providing effective and extraordinary actives, good number of lab and lab instruments, library, experienced faculty members. To study in this private university of Bangladesh will be a good opportunity for the students to get their desire goal of their life. Now we will give you the information and guide lines about the tuition fees of this private university.
Tuition Fee Information
First comes BBA department. The admission fee (once in 4 years) will be 15000 BDT, activity fees for regular semester will be 40000 BDR, activity fees for summer (As Summer is not a Regular Semester) 12000 BDT and the tuition fees per credit will be 4000 BDT (there are 125 credits for BBA). Now we will give you the information about the Engineering fees. The admission fee for Engineering department (once in 4 years) will be 15000 BDT, activity fees for regular semester will be 40000 BDR, activity fees for summer (As Summer is not a Regular Semester) 12000 BDT and the tuition fees per credit will be 4000 BDT (there are 140 credits for Engineering dept). Tuition fee structure for BA in English is same as BBA dept.
That was all about the Chittagong Independent University. This university is situated at Chittagong city. It is one of the leading private universities not only in Chittagong but also in Bangladesh. “Bangladesh life solution” has tried to give you proper and appropriate guide lines and total information about this private university. We “Bangladesh life solution” believe that our information will be a great solution for the students of Chittagong and also for Bangladesh. In our next post we will discuss about another important private university of Bangladesh. Our next discuss will be on Daffodil International University (DIU).
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