English is an international language. English is used all over the world for communication. In Bangladesh English is used as a second language. But the people of our country cannot use this language properly. By our post we try to solve this problem. In our last English post we discussed about the simple, complex and compound sentence. To move that post please, click here. Today we will discuss about the parts of a sentence.
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Photo Credit life-solution.org |
What we know about this sentence? It's about Rahim’s wife constrictor. The wife constrictor is therefore the subject of the sentence. Sometimes some sentences that give commands might look as if they don’t contain any subject. This rule can be cleared by an example like as: Sit down, please. In this example, there is no visible subject. But don't be fooled: the subject in such a sentence which is the pronoun you. Normally, the subject in a command is left out, or invisible. If we do express the subject you in a command, it's most often a sign of strong irritation which is expressed in a sentence that is given below: You see that fish hook out of my jar right now!
What is the predicate? Now let’s know about predicate. The main part of the predicate is the verb. The predicate usually comes after the subject. The predicate is the part of the sentence that makes a statement about the subject. Once you find the subject, you can easily find the predicate. Just ask yourself what the sentence is telling you about the subject. The predicate might tell you what the subject did (or does, or will do). Let's take another look at our first example: Sumon collects bird. In this sentence, as you know, the subject is Sumon. The predicate collects Bird tells you what Sumon does. The verb here is the action verb collects.
We can know more about predicate by another example. The predicate might also give a description of the subject, as in our second example: Rahim’s wife constrictor seems restless this morning. Here, seems restless this morning gives a description of the subject Rahim’s wife constrictor. The verb is the linking verb seems which merely links the description of the subject, without expressing any action. The predicates we have seen have all been two or more words long. But sometimes, the predicate is simply a verb by itself like this example: Robi sneezed. In this example, Robi is the subject, and the verb which is sneezed, is the predicate.
Let’s discuss about subject and predicate with some example. Our first example is: Emon and Priya were going to the Islampur. Here “Emon and Priya” is the subject and “were going to the Islampur” is the predicate. The other example is MD. Jahangir is the head of the ECE department. In this Sentence “MD. Jahangir” is the subject and “is the head of the ECE department” is the predicate. We also analysis the other subject. “UITS is one of the best universities in Bangladesh” and “The police officer arrested the Burglar”. These two sentences “UITS” and “The police officer” are the subject and the two predicates are “is one of the best universities in Bangladesh” and “arrested the Burglar”.
Let’s discuss about subject and predicate with some example. Our first example is: Emon and Priya were going to the Islampur. Here “Emon and Priya” is the subject and “were going to the Islampur” is the predicate. The other example is MD. Jahangir is the head of the ECE department. In this Sentence “MD. Jahangir” is the subject and “is the head of the ECE department” is the predicate. We also analysis the other subject. “UITS is one of the best universities in Bangladesh” and “The police officer arrested the Burglar”. These two sentences “UITS” and “The police officer” are the subject and the two predicates are “is one of the best universities in Bangladesh” and “arrested the Burglar”.
One important question is “Does the subject always come before the predicate?” No, the subject isn't always first. There are three situations in which the subject appears after the verb instead of before it. In most questions: Are you ready? (The subject you appear after the verb are.) Did I forget to feed my iguana again? (The subject I is placed after the first half of the verb did forget.) In many sentences beginning with here or there: Here comes the jury. (The subject jury appears after the verb comes.) There were fifteen cats and an eviction notice on Janet's front porch. (The subject fifteen cats and an eviction notice are placed after the verb was.)
We also discuss the other sentence. Some sentences are beginning with one or more prepositional phrases like as: Across the clearing and through the stream ran the frightened deer. (The subject deer come after the verb ran.) Being able to recognize subjects and predicates is a useful skill, because they are the building blocks of complete sentences. Here we also provide you some exercise for you. This exercise helps to get a proper solution about subject and predicate.
1. In the following sentences separate the Subject and the Predicate: (a) The Beatles is called the greatest band on Earth. (b) The girl ate a peach. (c) Jesmin wants to dance with me. (d) Nicola plays volleyball every Thursday evening. (e) Sarah is invited at the party. (f) I like A Face without Eyes for its deep thoughtful tone. (g) A lot went wrong during our holiday. (h) It wasn’t serious accident. (i) He might not like the color green. (j) I am going to buy George a green shirt. (k) The circus has offered him another job. (l) She will live in a house in the center of Sydney. (m) Madame Joyita makes Neelima a cup of tea. (n) He works for a company called KMP. (o) Tom Hanks is a very successful Hollywood actor. (p) Sabina shot an arrow into the air. (q) A barking sound the shepherd hears. (r) On the top of the hill lives a hobbit.
2. Identify the subjects and predicates of the following sentences: (a) Have a happy birthday. (b) The mountains are a popular vacation spot. (c) Tad took his dog to the vet yesterday. (d) Holly and Mac cleaned the basement. (e) Do birds sing to warn other birds about their territory? (f) Park your car in the garage when the weather calls for snow. (g) At six o'clock each day, please feed and walk the dog. (h) Salad is a healthy addition to lunch and dinner. (i) Skunks are very accurate when they spray a rival. (j) Justin washed and waxed Dad's car. (k) The garbage truck arrives very early in the morning. (l) Would they prefer chili or sauerkraut with their hot dogs? (m) Sixteen inches of snow fell in the Adirondacks last night. (n) I am afraid of heights. (o) Reading often improves your vocabulary. (p) Cell phones are convenient at home or at the office. (q) Grab my hand and hang on tight! (r) The drenching rainfall yesterday flooded many roads. (s) May I borrow your stapler? (t) Place a coaster underneath your glass, please.
2. Identify the subjects and predicates of the following sentences: (a) Have a happy birthday. (b) The mountains are a popular vacation spot. (c) Tad took his dog to the vet yesterday. (d) Holly and Mac cleaned the basement. (e) Do birds sing to warn other birds about their territory? (f) Park your car in the garage when the weather calls for snow. (g) At six o'clock each day, please feed and walk the dog. (h) Salad is a healthy addition to lunch and dinner. (i) Skunks are very accurate when they spray a rival. (j) Justin washed and waxed Dad's car. (k) The garbage truck arrives very early in the morning. (l) Would they prefer chili or sauerkraut with their hot dogs? (m) Sixteen inches of snow fell in the Adirondacks last night. (n) I am afraid of heights. (o) Reading often improves your vocabulary. (p) Cell phones are convenient at home or at the office. (q) Grab my hand and hang on tight! (r) The drenching rainfall yesterday flooded many roads. (s) May I borrow your stapler? (t) Place a coaster underneath your glass, please.
3. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting who are other languages. Write a paragraph about your Mother Language which is the international mother language. Explain your reasons. You should write at least 80 to words. You do NOT need to write your own address or details. Begin your paragraph as follows:
International Mother language Day
Foreign language can shape only the shadow of our thoughts, whereas mother language presents the replica of our mind. Hence, no language, however rich it is, can be equal to one’s mother language. Bangla is the mother language of Bangladesh. Through the declaration of International Mother Language Day, UNESCO has glorified the mother tongue of every nation. This declaration has assumed an added dimension to us, because it is our ‘Ekushey’ February which has been selected to observe as the International Mother Language Day. At this our language martyrs of the 21st February 1952 have got global recognition. The worldwide recognition of that very day has no doubt upheld the prestige of our country in Bangladesh to a great extent.
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Photo Credit life-solution.org |
Environmental Pollution
Environmental pollution is somewhat technical term of this age of science and technology. It implies the poisoning of the surroundings of the human habitats. This environment includes air and atmosphere, water, land, sound, minerals etc. around human life. Environmental pollution is a direct offshoot (result) of the industrialized modern life. We are now forced to inhale air poisoned by smokes and fumes from vehicles, to drink water polluted by poisonous wastes from industries and factories. It is causing an imbalance in the very model of our living. The environmental pollution must be remedied at all costs. Otherwise mankind will perish. It is time to find out the way to control environmental pollution.
Our modern life is plagued with various forms of pollution. Like all other pollutants such as waste, smoke and unclear water, noise in the same way is also irritant and harmful for a peaceful life. Noisy atmosphere is subversive of quiet thinking, creative work and microphones, the hydraulic horns of vehicles and the sound produced from factories are the main causes of sound pollution. The student, the children and the sick, terribly suffer from this pollution. To live in peace, noise pollution must be checked. The government should take steps to keep sound tolerable limits.
Our modern life is plagued with various forms of pollution. Like all other pollutants such as waste, smoke and unclear water, noise in the same way is also irritant and harmful for a peaceful life. Noisy atmosphere is subversive of quiet thinking, creative work and microphones, the hydraulic horns of vehicles and the sound produced from factories are the main causes of sound pollution. The student, the children and the sick, terribly suffer from this pollution. To live in peace, noise pollution must be checked. The government should take steps to keep sound tolerable limits.
The earth, the sweetest home for mankind, is undergoing a rapid change because of the greenhouse effect. This global warming is caused by the accumulation of certain gases like Carbon dioxide, CFC, Methane, and Nitrite oxide around the world. The presence of these gases to a large degree is making the Ozone layer of the earth’s atmosphere thinner day by day. At this, the ultraviolet ray of the sun can easily penetrate the atmosphere of the earth. It is predicted that midway through the next century, the temperature of the earth may rise as much as 4º c. This will reduce our ability to grow food and severely damage wildlife, raise sea-levels and thereby submerge the coastal areas.
“The answer is below the word limit and there is some repetition of the task rubric. (Length is a common problem with General Training scripts). Answers that are short lose marks because there is insufficient material in the answer for the examiner to give credit for accuracy and coherence. Despite these problems, the introduction to the letter is appropriate and the purpose of the writer is clear. The points are not always linked together well and punctuation is sometimes faulty. The sentences are kept quite simple and mistakes occur as soon as more complex structures are attempted.”
In this post we briefly discuss about the parts of a sentence. The parts of a sentence contain a subject and predicate which is very important to make a sentence in English. Without knowing the parts of a sentence one cannot make a proper sentence in English. That’s why in this post we briefly discuss about it. By our post one can get a proper idea about the parts of a sentence and also English. In our next post we also briefly discuss about parts of speech which is also very important to make a sentence. If you are interested about our parts of speech post and also English, you have to move that post. To move English post, please click here.
“Life solution” is the site where you can get all types of easy solution which you face every day. We know that there are many private universities in Bangladesh. But we have not a proper idea about them and it is another problem like as English language. By our private university post, you can get a proper and easy solution and idea about them. To see private university post you can click here. Bangladesh is a beautiful country. There are lots of beautiful traveling places in this small country. Every year lots of foreign tourists come to visit this beautiful place. But most of the people of our country have not proper idea about those places. That’s why for your easy traveling solution, we provide you to travel guide. By this travel guide you can get a complete idea about the traveling places of Bangladesh. To move this post please click here.
“Life solution” is the site where you can get all types of easy solution which you face every day. We know that there are many private universities in Bangladesh. But we have not a proper idea about them and it is another problem like as English language. By our private university post, you can get a proper and easy solution and idea about them. To see private university post you can click here. Bangladesh is a beautiful country. There are lots of beautiful traveling places in this small country. Every year lots of foreign tourists come to visit this beautiful place. But most of the people of our country have not proper idea about those places. That’s why for your easy traveling solution, we provide you to travel guide. By this travel guide you can get a complete idea about the traveling places of Bangladesh. To move this post please click here.
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